The GHHP brings together 25 partner organisations interested in monitoring the health of Gladstone Harbour. Formed in 2013, the partners stem from three levels of government, industry, community, traditional owners and the research sector.
The cornerstone product for assessing the health of Gladstone Harbour is the GHHP Report Card. This transparent reporting tool synthesises data from 78 measures to develop “indicators” for environmental, social, cultural and economic components of harbour health and returns an overall score, as well as individual component scores. It is a fast, effective and accessible tool to support decision-making and is available to all stakeholders to help guide future management of the harbour.
The Gladstone Healthy Harbour Partnership (GHHP) is informed by open, transparent and independent peer-reviewed science, through an Independent Science Panel (ISP).
The Chair of the Independent Science Panel is responsible for championing the integrated and collaborative approach to research and monitoring. The Chair is an ex-offico member of the GHHP Management Committee and will work with the GHHP to convene the Independent Science Panel. The Independent Science Panel is supported by two Science Project Officers.
The role of the ISP is to provide independent scientific advice on the piloting and system testing of the GHHP endorsed Gladstone Harbour Report Card. This includes:
the monitoring program to support the Gladstone Harbour Report Card;
overseeing the synthesis work required to ascertain report card grades to ensure the independence of the grades;
over sighting the continued development of the Gladstone Harbour Model that will be used by the GHHP to underpin advice to policy, management and regulatory agencies, industry and other stakeholders;
monitoring and implementing any improvements that may be needed to increase the efficiency and/or effectiveness of GHHP practices
The Independent Science Panel comprises members with expertise on one or more of the following:
Water quality
Ecosystem health
Marine biogeochemistry
Marine toxicology
Decision support tools/modelling
Social science
Discharge chemistry and hydrology
Marine biodiversity (including fish, large marine fauna and migratory birds)